The Greek Ministry of Digital Governance has identified the creation of the ESA BIC Greece as a key element in the development plan of the Greek Space Industry.
The objective of the ESA BIC Greece is to strengthen the community of successful space-related start-ups in Greece by supporting 25 incubatees over the period of 5 years under the ESA BIC scheme so that they can develop their business and their technology until they are ready to leave the incubation phase and continue operating and growing without support from the incubator.
Since the early 2000s, ESA Space Solutions has been seeking entrepreneurs with innovative ideas in using space technologies or developing applications to create new products and services in a non-space environment. Born as support to Europe’s space programmes, several technological innovations have turned out to be key to successful solutions for terrestrial markets. The transfers from Space to Earth enhance the know-how and competitiveness of Europe by creating new start-up companies and leading to new jobs and growth. The programme provides multiple entry points such as ESA Business Incubation Centres, where one can further develop their business plan and grow their new venture, the ESA Business Application programme where we support businesses from ideation to pre-commercialisation and ESA Technology Brokers that provides solutions to the industry through access to a wide range of advanced technologies developed by the space industry.

The team at ESA BIC Greece is here to support you and your team to be successful.
The Athena Research Centre was founded in 2003 to consolidate and further expand the Greek R&D activities and initiatives in the area of ICT and operates under the auspices of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the Ministry of Development and Investments. The vision of Athena is to serve the full spectrum of the research lifecycle, starting from basic and applied research, continuing to system & product building and infrastructure service provision, and ending with technology transfer and entrepreneurship. The fundamental role of Athena is to build knowledge and devise solutions and technologies for the digital society. Its value lies in the unique collection of skills and know-how of its researchers and professional staff and its national and international reputation. Athena has premises and infrastructures in Attica, Western Greece and Thrace. Athena is organised today in the following Institutes and Units: a) Information Management Systems Institute, b) Institute of Language and Speech Processing, c) Industrial Systems Institute, d) Corallia, e) Space Programmes Unit, f) Robotics Perception and Interaction Unit, g) Environmental and Networking Technologies and Applications Unit, h) Pharma Informatics Unit.
Read MoreCorallia is an incubator, youth entrepreneurship accelerator, and multi-Cluster facilitator established in 2005 at the Athena Research Centre and is one of the main pillars of the Greek innovation ecosystem and a think-tank that underpins national development plans in Greece.
Corallia has supported up to date more than 300 innovative enterprises, of all sizes, to grow in Greece and internationally, of which more than 100 new start-ups. More than 10.000 people and organisations have directly benefited from our activities, including would-be-entrepreneurs, start-ups, SMEs, large corporations, pupils and students, while the indirect beneficiaries exceed 100.000 civilians and organisations.
The main achievements of Corallia to this date are: the foundation of 3 hi-tech Clusters with more than 175 members consisting of the most innovative enterprises, university labs and research institutes in their respective sectors – the si-Cluster (space technologies and applications cluster) aiming to develop Greece as a leading region for space technologies and applications; the mi-Cluster in nano/microelectronics-based systems and applications; and the gi-Cluster in gaming and creative technologies & applications; the design and implementation of pioneering entrepreneurship acceleration and incubation programmes, the establishment and operation of innovation hubs in Attica and Western Greece regions, the systematic organisation of targeted training and inspirational events, the organization of innovation contests such as hackathons and game jams, the organization of business roadshows and trade fairs in Europe, America and Asia, etc.
Of the aforementioned clusters, the si-Cluster is an industry-led and user-driven innovation cluster and one of the three European aerospace clusters awarded with the Gold Label of Cluster Management Excellence. It was established in 2009 as a joint initiative between Corallia and the Hellenic Association of Space Industries. It brings together over 85% of the Greek space actors or more than 70 Greek private and public actors in the field that operate in a structured framework with a strong competitive advantage and an active quadruple helix for the benefit of the whole space ecosystem, and the cooperation of industry, academia and research, public agencies and the civil society.
Corallia also provides to the entire Greek Space ecosystem various levels of support, most notably: business development, incubation activities, entrepreneurship support, technical advice, mediation on technology transfer, spin-in of non-space technology and actors in the space commercial area, spin-out of space products to non-space markets, specific training, and organising/implementing high impact outreach events and commercial roadshows in Europe and worldwide. Corallia is also coordinator of the Greek Copernicus Relay Network, which includes most stake-holders relevant to the Copernicus Programme in Greece, and member of the Greek Copernicus Academy Network.