You have an innovative idea using space technology for general non-space industrial, scientific and commercial uses (“spin-off”) or using non space technology for proposing products and services for the space sector (“spin-in”).

Your company is not older than five years or it is on the way to be established

Your team are residents with a working permit in innovative and startup friendly Greece
Don't miss our next application deadline!
17 February 2025, 16:59 pm (EEST)
ESA BIC Greece in cooperation with STARTAB provides applicants with free business plan training & mentoring. Business Lift Off is an entrepreneurship Programme delivered by Corallia with the support of Prince’s Trust International. By applying at Business Lift Off, you can attend a 4-day intensive entrepreneurship course about the different sections of a business plan.
ESA BIC Greece has a Permanent Open Call. You can submit your application to us anytime. However, there are fixed cut-off dates during the year when evaluation takes place for all applications submitted before a certain cut-off date. Cut-off dates are announced in the News section of our web site and on our Social Media channels. The following steps may be followed for a successful application:
Read the Frequently Asked Questions to learn the ins and outs of our Incubation Programme.
Download the Permanent Open Call Package which introduces the application and evaluation process, the incubation contract and other modalities and contains the templates that should be used by the Applicants.
Express Interest if you want to ask for a pre-evaluation of your business idea or for clarifications related to the scope and structure of the application and incubation.
Complete the Application Documents (Cover Letter, Business Plan, Incubation Proposal, Tables) using the templates and guidance of the Open Call Package.
Submit your Application and send the files to application@esa-bic.gr with subject “ESA BIC Greece Application – [Startup Name]”.
Expect to be notified of your application eligibility check by the Tender Opening Board (TOB). If a non-compliance of minor nature is identified, the TOB may ask the Applicants to re-submit an updated proposal within 48 hours.
Present your Application to the Tender Evaluation Board (TEB). This will happen around 3 weeks after the application cut-off date.
If successful, then wait to be contacted for a contract clarification meeting with ESA BIC Greece to join the Incubator. This will happen around 3 weeks after the TEB.

Financial Support
EUR 50,000 non-equity funding for product/service development and IPR

Technical, business and legal Support
At least 20 hours of tech support, 50 hours of business development support, 10 hours of legal and IPR advise by our Support Partners

Reputation and branding of Incubator, including right of use of the ESA BIC brand, as a door opener to customers and investors

Office space
Access to office space at the Innovation Hub of Athens and to its Business Center, business support facilities and high-speed connectivity

Access to the international network of ESA Space Solutions, Corallia, si-Cluster members, ESA BIC support partners and ESA BICs in other Member States

Training & infrastructure
Access to events, workshops and training, access to high-end infrastructure and equipment, access to software, data, platforms and other resources